NTSYSpc can be used to discover pattern andstructure in multivariate data. For example, one may wish todiscover that a sample of data points suggests that the samples mayhave come from two or more distinct populations or to estimate aphylogenetic tree using the neighbor-joining or UPGMA methods forconstructing dendrograms. Of equal interest is the discovery thatthe variation in some subsets of variables are highlyinter-correlated (clustered). The program originated as NTSYS inthe 1960s but over the years is has been completely redesigned andgreatly extended for use on PCs.
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The input can be descriptive information about collections ofobjects or directly measured similarities or dissimilaritiesbetween all pairs of objects. The kinds of descriptors and objectsused depend upon the application—morphological characters,abundances of species, presence and absence of properties, etc.NTSYSpc can transform data, estimate dis/similarities amongobjects, and prepare summaries of the relationships using clusteranalysis, ordination, and multiple factor analyses. Many of theresults can be shown both numerically and graphically. The softwareis designed for both classroom and research.
Version for Windows is easy to use yet still has the speed andfunctionality of the previous versions. There is an interactivemode (with “fill-in-the-blanks” entry forms) and a batch mode witha simple command language (useful for analysis of simulations andmultiple datasets). The program takes advantage of the Windowsenvironment and allows long file names and the processing of largedatasets. Plot options windows allows you to customize the plots(specify titles, fonts, sizes, colors, scales, line widths,background colors, margins, and many other aspects of what isplotted). There is also a print preview mode. NTS data files areASCII files that can be shared with other programs. Long inputlines are supported. A spreadsheet-like data editor is includedthat makes it easy to create and edit data files. It can be alsoused as an ASCII text editor for very large files. Matrices can beread from Excel XLS and CSV files and trees can be read from onetype of nexus files. An option is provided to output to MATLAB Mfiles.
Ntsys Pc Version 2.2 Free Download
Post malone beerbongs & bentleys lyrics. (2000) NTSYS-pc: Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System Version 2.1. Exeter Publishing Setauket, New York. Has been cited by the following article: TITLE: Genotype-Specific Microsatellite (SSR) Markers for the Sugarcane Germplasm from the Karst Region of Guizhou, China.
Here are some key features of “NTSYSpc”:
– Similarity and dissimilarity: correlation,distance, 34 association – coefficients, and 11 coefficients.
– Clustering: UPGMA and other hierarchical SAHNmethods (allows for ties). Neighborjoining method (including thenew unweighted version). Several types of consensus trees.
– methods: minimumlength spanning trees. Graphs(unrooted trees) from the neighborjoining method.
– Ordination: principal components & principalcoordinates analysis, correspondence analysis, metric &nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis, singularvaluedecompositions, projections onto axes and Burnaby’s method.Canonical variates analysis. Programs for multiple factor analysis,common principal components analysis, partial leastsquares,multiple correlation, and canonical correlations are alsoincluded.
– Interactive graphics: phenograms, phylogenetictrees, 2D scatter plots , comparison of dis/similarity matrices,Fourier plots of outlines, Procrustes plots, and 3-D perspectiveplots.
– Multivariate tests: canonical variates analysis,tests for homogeneity of covariance matrices, tests for number ofdimensions, generalized multivariate multiple regression analysis.There are also provisions for bootstrap, jackknife, and simulationexperiments.
– Geometric morphometrics: includes specializedmodules for Procrustes analysis to superimpose landmarkconfigurations, plotting the results of a Procrustes analysis,Fourier analysis (including 2D and 3D elliptic) of outline shapes,plotting outlines and Fourier coefficients, and computation of 2Dand 3D partial warp scores and estimates of the uniformcomponent.
– Other: includes comparison of matrices bycophenetic correlation, Mantel test, 3-way Mantel test, datastandardization, and matrix transformations (simple functions,deletion, and now matrix transpose). Matrices can be split orcombined.
Installer Size: 1.48 + 1.26 MB
Download Links : NTSYSpc v2.10e Portable + v2.02e + Crack
winarl35.zip | Contains WinArl35.exe, arlecore64.exe, R graphic functions, XML stylescheet, and example files. |
arlecore_win.zip | Contains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlecore, as well as a bash script to automatically analyse all arlequin project files present in a given directory. Read the arlecore readme file before using it. |
arlsumstat_win.zip | Contains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlsumstat.exe to compute summary statistics from arlequin projects, a summary statistics definition file, and a bash script to launch it in a Linux environment (you need to install cygwin under windows) . Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it. |
Example files_win.zip | Contains examples of arlequin projects. |
test_arlsumstat.zip | Example of the usage of arlsumstat to calculate summary statistics from arlequin projects generated by simcoal3. The bash script test_arlsumstat.sh will call simcoal3 to simulate a sample drawn from a stationary population and studied at 10 microsatellite loci. Simulated samples will be then analyzed with arlsumstat and output written to a new file. |
Here is also a link on the R-statistical package to download R if you want to be able to generate graphics from Arlequin XML output files.