Yummy Drink Factory Walkthrough

Game Description. A witch of debatable evilness has punished you for your callous attitude towards the barrista class. Now you must enter the Yummy Drink Factory and serve delicious drinks to thirsty villagers as you work your way to freedom. Yummy Drink Factory. Kids, we've made a game that we think you will love! Create chocolaty desert drinks and top them with an assortment of goodies, including whipped cream, cookies, and fairy dust. Yummy Drink Factory includes 36 recipes, lots of tasty toppings and flavors, and a blender to make cool summer smoothies.

  1. Yummy Drink Factory Drink in this gorgeous adventure game! For your rude behavior, you've been sentenced to make and serve drinks to adorable fairytale creatures. Mix the drinks, top them with an assortment of goodies, and serve them as quickly as you can.
  2. Serve yummy drinks to fairytale creatures in the stylish Factory. Decorate your drink stand with moon beams, slug slime, and other wondrous elements. Use a blender for summer smoothies and concoct your own recipes. What`s great with chocolaty dessert drinks?
Yummy drink factory walkthroughYummy drink factory walkthrough 1

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Game Genres:Magic Games, Mystery Games, Shop Games, Funny Games, Music Games, Boutique Games

Yummi Drink Factory

Create sensationally delicious desserts!
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Game Description

Open up your own Yummi Drink Factory shop and use your imagination to create sensationally delicious desserts!
Help Alex to serve yummy drinks for fairy-tale creatures from five different locations and get precious gems from grateful customers. You are to satisfy the most demanding clients so that they give you a tip. There are 36 creative recipes, and each of them can be improved by different toppings and decorations. Add whipped cream, crispy cookies, fairy dust and slug slime to attract more dainties-lovers. After you master the given recipes you'll get an opportunity to concoct something special! The game is full of marvelous bonuses: for instance, after a line of cocktails is served, you'll get a magic wand that helps to cater customers twice as quicker.
Enjoy bright impressive graphics, nice sound effects and light music of this captivating free downloadable game! Five beautiful locations, lots of tastefully-looking ice-cream and tons of fun will absorb you thoroughly. Play Yummi Drink Factory right now and try your hand at serving fairy-tale creatures with fabulous desserts!
Use your imagination to create sensationally delicious desserts!
Enjoy Yummi Drink Factory together with your friends with no limits and be thoroughly entertained! Find lots of genuinely absorbing games at GamesGoFree.com and play 100% for free!

  • 38 recipes
  • Dozens of tasty toppings
  • Decorations for your drink stand
  • Magical wands and gems
  • Windows ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Processor 500 Mhz or better
  • 256 Mb RAM
  • DirectX 8.0

Yummy Drink Factory Walkthrough 1

Serve yummy drinks to fairytale creatures in the stylish Factory. Decorate your drink stand with moon beams, slug slime, and other wondrous elements. Use a blender for summer smoothies and concoct your own recipes. What`s great with chocolaty dessert drinks? Top them with whipped cream, cookies, and fairy dust. Visit five villages in the Yummy Drink Factory and savor this Time Management treat.

  • Tasty Time Management game
  • Dozens of tasty toppings
  • Earn magical wands and gems

System Requirements

Yummy Drink Factory Walkthrough 5

DrinkYummy drink factory walkthrough 5

Yummy Drink Factory Walkthrough

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU: 600 Mhz
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • DirectX: 7.0
  • HD: 39 MB

Yummy Drink Factory Walkthrough Xbox 360

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